Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Interactive Word Worksheets

I just looked at your interactive Word worksheets. I am very impressed! They cover a wide range of topics--minimal pairs, tongue twisters, the solar system, and a famous soccer player, just to name a few. They are also multilingual. In addition to worksheets in English, there was a worksheet in Spanish providing infomation on the culture of Mexico, and another in Spanish where students had to listen to three choices to determine which question matched a written answer. We also had one in Chinese on the story of the Three Little Pigs! A couple of you even inlcuded video clips.

If you haven't done your worksheet yet, or if it is incomplete, please finish it and let me know when it is ready.

You can find the grade for your worksheets under My Grades on Web-CT. As we have time in class, I may ask some of you to share your worksheets with the class.

As reminder, please do not e-mail large files to me. They clog up and shut down my e-mail account! Please use the folder in the computer lab to save large files, and let me know when to look for them and what they are named.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dr. Wright.
I have been so curious to see these! I hope I haven't missed my chance by not coming last week. I'll probabaly post mine to WEb-CT for anyone who wants to see it. Maybe others will, too.
