Monday, February 12, 2007

Create Bloglines Account

If you get this message before we meet on 2/13/07, please create a Bloglines Account:

Go to the link above and click on the "Sign up Now, It's Free" link in the middle of the page. Its takes just about a minute. (be sure to write down which e-mail address you use, and your password!)

You'll get an e-mail that you will need ro respond to by clicking a link in the e-mail message, in order to activate your account. Please do this before class. In class I'll show you how to set up your aggregator and add rss feeds.

If everyone can do this before class, we can get started right away on setting up our aggregators through Bloglines. We'll have limited time because we'll have a guest speaker.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Wright,

Thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog and the eval of Rosetta Stone. I hope to have that done before class today.

I have a question from one of the faculty members to whom I have introduced the Microsoft Word options. He has a Mac, and the audio does not function! Any ideas?

He has convinced the department chair to fund his venture into advanced technology and teaching!!! Dr. Smith wants to know how we can utilize MP3 format for homework assignments. He is planning to get a player himself. Will I have to wait for the podcast class to tell him?

Thanks both for myself but also from the others who are benefitting from tech in education.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Wright,

A separate issue. I will not be able to attend class on Feb. 27, as it is the visit of former Bundeskanzller Schroeder to Trinity University.

I am scheduled to give a Quickshare that evening. May I trade with someone to give the QS next week, or the first week of March?
