Monday, January 29, 2007

Posting Comments

Some members of the class had trouble posting their response to the reading reflection question below. You may have been told you need to register first.

I changed the settings so you do not have to register in order to post comments. I thought it already was on this setting, so I apologize to those who had trouble.

If you had trouble, try again. It should work now. Let me know if it doesn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my first time using, reading and responding to a blog. I have seen blogs before on websites but never have had the time to acutally create, work and learn from this technology. I am hoping that the experiences I gain from this class will allow me to advance to another level of instruction with my ELLs. Since my introduction to Podcasts, I have been able to provide my students with "extra" practice on acquiring their second language at a pace that is comfortable to them (reducing their affective filter, Cummins, et al.). These technological opportunities will increase their educational knowledge at so many levels (literacy, ESL, writing, language, science & math) that I am excited to be a part of this new additive curriculum that will only make teaching that much more fun!!