Saturday, March 31, 2007

Great News - Using Photostory to Create Podcasts

Great news everyone. While listening to the KidCast Podcast, which covers podcasting in K-12 education, I learned how PhotoStory can be used to create Podcasts! The trick is coverting the Photostory file (WMA) into a format recognized by iTunes (MP4). The answer is a simple and free program called the iPod Video Converter from Jodix: I'll make arrangements to get this installed on all the lab computers. But if you've already downloaded PhotoStory for use at home, I encourage you download this program too.

So, if you'd rather do a video podcast than an audio-only podcast, but don't want to hassle with a digital video camera and Windows Movie Maker, just gather or take some photos digital photos to go along with your audio, and you're good to go. Just put your photos in the order you want them, and record your audio directly into PhotoStory. You can create title slides by creating each one separately in PowerPoint, and then save them as .jpg files. I have digital cameras available for checkout if you need one.

Of course, audio-only or regular video podcasts are still an option.

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